
Thursday 27 February 2020

Rakuten details its Open RAN and Innovation Journey

In a recent Qualcomm event, the CEO of Rakuten, Mickey (Hiroshi) Mikitani and Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile did a joint presentation laying down the innovation that has helped create the most advanced open mobile network.

Recently, Singapore newcomer TPG Telecom selected Rakuten Mobile as its partner to run OpenRAN trials on a new network in the city state, advancing toward a 4G service launch this year.

Anyway, here is the clip from the video of Qualcomm's live stream that they did instead of MWC 2020 (that was cancelled due to coronavirus fears) that details Rakuten Mobile's innovations.

There was quite a bit of discussion around this as you can see from the tweet above. As it says, the whole network is 4T4R and the advanced radio feature support include NB-IoT on every Node B.

There is of course question around the cost of the server and that it would require to be dedicated for a site.

Light Reading has a good summary of the presentation if you rather prefer to read than watch. It's available here.

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